Information for Suppliers

Business Code of Conduct

JurongHealth Campus' suppliers are required to adhere to the following Business Code of Conduct.


JurongHealth Campus' suppliers shall conduct their businesses without engaging in corrupt practices, including public or private bribery or kickbacks. JurongHealth Campus' suppliers shall maintain their integrity, transparency and accuracy in corporate record keeping. JurongHealth Campus' suppliers must not offer bribes, kickbacks or improper payments of any kind to JurongHealth Campus' employees for the purpose of obtaining or retaining business or gaining an improper advantage. Gifts in cash or in kind are prohibited at all times.

Employment & Legal Compliance

JurongHealth Campus expects suppliers to comply with all applicable laws. These include but are not limited to regulations and guidelines prescribed by the Ministry of Health, Health Sciences Authority, Ministry of Manpower, National Environment Agency, etc. Regulations and guidelines pertaining to employment, health and safety, and the environment shall also apply. JurongHealth Campus will not deal with suppliers who do not comply with the applicable laws, regulations and guidelines.

JurongHealth Campus also expect suppliers to incorporate relevant best-practice standards of employment, health and safety, and environment management at their workplace.


JurongHealth Campus takes sustainable development into account in its daily activities. JurongHealth Campus' working partners and suppliers shall share JurongHealth Campus' concerns and commitment to sustainable business practices. Suppliers are encouraged to embrace the concept and discipline of Enterprise Risk Management and also green practices in joint projects with JurongHealth Campus.


Suppliers must ensure that their contractors, subcontractors and/or any other third parties with whom they work with on JurongHealth Campus' projects comply with the principles described in this JurongHealth Campus' Business Code of Conduct.

Order Request

Suppliers shall only act upon receiving a Purchase Order ("PO") from JurongHealth Campus. When in doubt, suppliers should seek clarification from JurongHealth Campus' Materials Management Department ("MMD") in respect of orders issued by JurongHealth Campus without a PO. Orders delivered by a supplier without a PO or without written approval from JurongHealth Campus' MMD will not be recognised for payment, except in cases of exigencies or emergencies (e.g. a pandemic situation or crisis), which shall be determined by JurongHealth Campus in its sole discretion.


Suppliers have a duty to take necessary steps to protect the confidentiality of any information acquired from and during their business relationship with JurongHealth Campus.

Suppliers are strictly prohibited from taking photographs, making any video and/or audio recordings during any discussions with JurongHealth Campus or site show rounds at JurongHealth Campus' premises (including JurongHealth Campus' affiliates' premises), unless JurongHealth Campus gives its prior written consent for the same.

Suppliers must not disclose the following information and other confidential information to other parties without JurongHealth Campus' prior written consent:

  • Cost or pricing information;
  • Patients' data and information;
  • Employees' information;
  • JurongHealth Campus' information and operating systems; and
  • JurongHealth Campus' organisation design or plans related to the procurement.

Suppliers who breach any of the above may be barred or blacklisted by JurongHealth Campus from JurongHealth Campus' procurement projects or any future dealings with JurongHealth Campus.


Suppliers are required to report any procurement or contractual irregularities or inappropriate practices that involve our staff and/or partners. The whistle-blowing channel is managed by an independent third party and a whistle-blower's identity is handled with the strictest confidence.

You may refer to the NUHS Whistleblowing page to raise a concern or make a report of any misconduct, negligence and/or improper activity or incidence.

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National University Health System
  • National University Hospital
  • Ng Teng Fong General Hospital
  • Alexandra Hospital
  • Jurong Community Hospital
  • National University Polyclinics
  • Jurong Medical Centre
  • National University Cancer Institute, Singapore
  • National University Heart Centre, Singapore
  • National University Centre for Oral Health, Singapore
  • NUHS Diagnostics
  • NUHS Pharmacy
  • Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine
  • Faculty of Dentistry
  • Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health
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