Our Services

Advanced Care Planning

What is Advance Care Planning (ACP)?

ACP is a series of discussion to plan for your future health and personal care. ACP discussion allows you to share with your loved ones how you wish to be cared for during a medical crisis if you are unable to think or make healthcare decisions for yourself.

4 Simple Steps to ACP
  1. Think about it
    • Understand your personal health conditions
    • Consider what you need to live meaningfully
    • Reflect on past healthcare experiences, fears and concerns
  2. Discuss with your loved ones
    • Share your personal values, goals of care and treatment preferences with your loved ones
    • Choose one or two trusted loved ones to be your Nominated Healthcare Spokespersons (NHS). Your NHS will make healthcare decisions on your behalf and in your best interest in the event that you are unable to make decisions for yourself.
  3. Document your healthcare preferences
    • Record your healthcare preferences in your Advance Care Plan with the help of our trained ACP Facilitators
    • Your Advance Care Plan will be accessible in all restructured hospitals in Singapore
  4. Review your healthcare preferences
    • Update your Advance Care Plan if your healthcare preferences change
Who is ACP for?

ACP is for everyone, regardless of age and health condition.

Why is ACP important?
  • ACP can save your loved ones from having to make guesses about the type of care you might or might not want in times of an unexpected medical emergency. You can ease their concerns by voicing your healthcare preferences now.
  • ACP allows you to receive care and treatment that are aligned to your personal values and goals of care
ACP at JurongHealth Campus

ACP is offered as a complimentary service to all JurongHealth Campus patients and their next-of-kin. Communication is crucial to achieving intended ACP objectives. Hence, our ACP facilitators are trained and well-equipped with effective communication skills necessary to facilitate your ACP discussions. Should there be any issues that require further clarification, our facilitators will also be able to provide or direct you to the relevant information.

As part of the ethical principles governing ACP, we ensure strict confidentiality on all ACP discussions and the identities of persons who participate in ACP. Our team also makes it a point to avoid stereotyping and imposing their values upon the persons served.

Contact Information

Contact our Advance Care Planning team for more information.


[email protected]


9622 5889
Mon - Fri (excluding Public Holidays)
8.30am - 5.30pm

For more information about ACP


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National University Health System
  • National University Hospital
  • Ng Teng Fong General Hospital
  • Alexandra Hospital
  • Jurong Community Hospital
  • National University Polyclinics
  • Jurong Medical Centre
  • National University Cancer Institute, Singapore
  • National University Heart Centre, Singapore
  • National University Centre for Oral Health, Singapore
  • NUHS Diagnostics
  • NUHS Pharmacy
  • Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine
  • Faculty of Dentistry
  • Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health
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