For Patients & Visitors

Patient and Family Rights and Responsibilities


At JurongHealth Campus, our patients and caregivers are our priority. We are committed to providing you with quality patient care and strive to deliver the best possible outcome. Knowing and understanding your rights and responsibilities will make your relationship with our health care providers a mutually beneficial one.

If you have any concerns or require any assistance, please do not hesitate to approach our staff.

A. Diginity and Respect
  1. You will receive considerate, respectful, appropriate and cost-effective medical care, regardless of your age, gender, race, nationality, social status, physical or mental abilities.
  2. You will be treated with dignity and receive medical care in a safe environment. This includes being free from physical restraints or seclusion, unless medically required in situations where you or other persons may be hurt. We will also provide appropriate protection to the disabled, the elderly and other vulnerable persons.
  3. Your emotional, social, spiritual and cultural needs will be respected. You are welcome to arrange for spiritual support or a religious counsellor to visit and pray for you so long as you do not disturb or hurt others.
  4. You have the right to meet and talk with your family, friends and other visitors during visiting hours, unless the doctor or hospital’s policy does not allow that. You can also refuse visitors unless otherwise required by law.
B. Privacy and Confidentiality
  1. You will be treated and examined in privacy.
  2. You have the right to confidentiality. All your medical information and records will be kept confidential and only read by persons involved in your care or involved in medical research and education as permitted by law or the hospital.
  3. You may obtain a copy of your medical report in accordance with the hospital policy.
C. Treatment, Research and Explanation
  1. Your medical condition, the planned medical treatment which you will receive and the expected outcomes, as well as the care needed after discharge will be explained to you. You may discuss all risks and benefits of accepting or declining medical care or treatment with your doctors.

    You may accept or refuse the medical care or treatment to the extent permitted by law. If you refuse, you are responsible for any subsequent medical consequences.

    If you need an interpreter, please let us know.

  2. You have the right to know the names of the doctors who are treating you, as well as the names of other healthcare members who are also involved in your care and treatment. Trainees may be involved in your care under supervision.
  3. You have the right to leave the hospital against the advice of your doctor, unless the law does not permit you to, or if you have certain diseases or are in legal custody. However, if you decide to leave the hospital, you must first sign a form to agree that the hospital will not be held responsible for any medical consequences.
  4. You have the right to obtain a second opinion for your medical condition. This will not affect the medical care you will receive.
  5. You may agree or decline to participate in research studies at any time. This will not affect the medical care you receive.
D. Financial Counselling
  1. You will receive financial counselling and information on financial assistance schemes before receiving treatment. You have the right to receive a copy of your bill and to obtain a summarised list of hospital charges or other information about the charges.
E. Being Responsible For Your Own Medical Care
  1. You can help us by participating actively in your own medical care, including making decisions about your treatment plans. If you are unable to make decisions due to mental incapacity, we will seek the views of your legal representative, spokesperson or caregiver.
  2. You should provide complete and accurate information about yourself, including your full name, identification number, address, contact numbers and date of birth where necessary. This will help to ensure that you receive the correct medical care and to facilitate registration and payment processes e.g. from Medisave.
  3. You should provide complete and accurate information about your health, including present conditions and past illnesses, hospitalisation, medication and any other related health matters. You should also inform the hospital and doctors/ nurses about any changes in your health or medical condition.
  4. You should provide the hospital with a copy of Lasting Power of Attorney or Court order appointing a Deputy if you have one. You may also choose to provide the hospital with a copy of your Advanced Medical Directive if you have one.
  5. You should ask questions if you do not understand the diagnosis or your treatment plan.
  6. You should follow the doctor's recommended treatment plan by:
    • Participating in your treatment including decision-making
    • Take your medicines
    • Be on time for your follow-up appointments
    • Inform your doctor if you have any trouble complying with the treatment plan or taking your medicine
  7. You and your family members should:
    • Comply with all hospital rules and regulations
    • Respect the privacy of other patients
    • Treat all hospital staff, other patients and visitors politely and respectfully
F. Personal Valuables
  1. You should keep your personal valuables at home during your hospital admission. Other personal belongings will be kept by the staff according to hospital protocol.
G. General Enquiries and Feedback

You have the right to ask any questions, seek clarification and obtain more information necessary to enable you to make decisions, including topics on your medical care as well as your bill and hospital charges.

Tel: 6908 2222 (Mon - Fri: 8am to 5:30pm; Sat: 8am - 12:30pm)
Email: [email protected]

General Enquiries
Tel: 6908 2222 (24-hours)
Email: [email protected]

Billing Enquiries
Tel: 6407 8138 (Mon - Fri: 8.30am to 5:30pm; Sat: 8.30am to 12:30pm)

Tel: 6716 3311 (Mon - Fri: 9am to 5:00pm)
Email: [email protected]

H. Organ Donation From Deceased, Identified as Suitable for Organ Donation

The above is governed by the Human Organ Transplant Act (HOTA) and the Medical (Therapy, Education and Research) ACT (MTERA).

HOTA applies to all deceased donors who are Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents 21 years of age and above. The deceased are presumed to have consented unless a valid objection by the deceased has been shown to be registered with the Register of Active Objectors to Organs Removal.

MTERA applies to deceased donors 18 years of age and above who have actively pledged their organs and are listed in the Register of Active Pledgers or a deceased donor whose next of kin has consented to the donation. MTERA is not restricted to Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents 21 years of age and above.

For further information, please visit the websites below or seek the assistance of the healthcare provider:

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National University Health System
  • National University Hospital
  • Ng Teng Fong General Hospital
  • Alexandra Hospital
  • Jurong Community Hospital
  • National University Polyclinics
  • Jurong Medical Centre
  • National University Cancer Institute, Singapore
  • National University Heart Centre, Singapore
  • National University Centre for Oral Health, Singapore
  • NUHS Diagnostics
  • NUHS Pharmacy
  • Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine
  • Faculty of Dentistry
  • Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health
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