For Patients & Visitors

Charges & Payment

NTFGH Accident & Emergency and Inpatient Charges

Charges as of 1 July 2024

Accident & Emergency
Services & Facility Fee
(payment to be made upon registration)
Inpatient Charges

Daily Ward Charges - Acute Ward

Singapore CitizenClass AClass B1
Class B2Class C
Permanent ResidentClass AClass B1
Class B2Class C
Resident Foreigner/Non-residentClass AClass B1
Class B2Class C


Daily Ward Charges - Intensive Care Unit

Singapore CitizenClass AClass B1
Class B2Class C
Permanent ResidentClass AClass B1
Class B2Class C
Resident Foreigner/Non-residentClass AClass B1
Class B2Class C


Daily Ward Charges - High Dependency Ward

Singapore CitizenClass AClass B1
Class B2Class C
Permanent ResidentClass AClass B1
Class B2Class C
Resident Foreigner/Non-residentClass AClass B1
Class B2Class C


  • Hospital fees shown for B2 and C class wards are based on the assumption that patient receives maximum subsidy, in accordance to the patient’s per capita household income based on the revised subsidy framework effective 1 Nov 2022.
  • A patient's visit will be classified as a new consultation/visit if:
    • S/he has been discharged from the hospital.
    • The last visit has lapsed by more than 12 months.
  • Consultation charges listed above exclude joint consultant fees.
  • All charges are rounded to the nearest dollar.
  • Charges are inclusive of 9% GST, except in the case of subsidised patients, whereby the GST is absorbed.
  • Specialist Outpatient Clinics Means Testing is applicable to subsidised patients with effect from 1 September 2014. Subsidised items will be at 30% to 70% subsidy based on patient’s per capita household income. In addition, the Pioneer Generation and Merdeka Generation will receive a further 50% and 25% off their subsidised bill respectively. 
  • Charges are subject to change without prior notice.
NTFGH Outpatient Charges
Outpatient Consultation Fees


Subsidised - Singapore Citizen

Senior Consultant$28 - $64$25 - $61
Associate Consultant
Medical Officer


Subsidised - Permanent Resident

Senior Consultant$69$65
Associate Consultant
Medical Officer


Private Patient

Senior Consultant$202$145
Associate Consultant$156$102


Day Surgery Charges

Singapore Citizen$33
Permanent Resident$82
Private Patient$196


Dental Charges

As of 7 March 2025

First Visit$86.11 - $160.23$24.60 - $61.50
Review$45.78$9.90 - $24.75


  • Hospital fees shown for B2 and C class wards are based on the assumption that patient receives maximum subsidy, in accordance to the patient’s per capita household income based on the revised subsidy framework effective 1 Nov 2022.
  • A patient's visit will be classified as a new consultation/visit if:
    • S/he has been discharged from the hospital.
    • The last visit has lapsed by more than 12 months.
  • Consultation charges listed above exclude joint consultant fees.
  • All charges are rounded to the nearest dollar.
  • Charges are inclusive of 9% GST, except in the case of subsidised patients, whereby the GST is absorbed.
  • Specialist Outpatient Clinics Means Testing is applicable to subsidised patients with effect from 1 September 2014. Subsidised items will be at 30% to 70% subsidy based on patient’s per capita household income. In addition, the Pioneer Generation and Merdeka Generation will receive a further 50% and 25% off their subsidised bill respectively. 
  • Charges are subject to change without prior notice.
Bill Payment Options

You may settle your bills through the following modes:

Payment ChannelPayment mode
Cashier Counters

Payment can be made via cash, NETS, credit cards (including Apple Pay & Samsung Pay) and cheques.

The cheque should be crossed and made payable to 'Ng Teng Fong General Hospital'. Please indicate the bill number and patient's name on the back of the cheque.

Operating Hours:

  • Mon - Fri: 8:30am to 5:30pm
  • Sat, Sun and Public Holidays: Closed

Payment can be made via NETS and Visa / Mastercard credit cards through the NUHS App mobile application (download via Google Play or App Store).

To learn more about how you can view and pay bills at your convenience with the NUHS App, refer to the list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) here.

If you are unable to use the NUHS app, you may also pay your bills online at

AXS Stations

Payment can be made via NETS and credit cards. Please select - JurongHealth Campus.


Operating Hours:

  • Daily: 24hrs

Payment can also be made through AXS e-Station online or through AXS m-Station on your mobile.


Payment can be made by scanning the PayNow QR code on your bill using your mobile banking app.

7- Eleven Stores

Payment can be made by cash, NETS or CashCard over the counter at any 7-Eleven store located islandwide.

DBS Internet & Mobile Banking

Payment can be made via DBS iBanking and DBS PayLah!. Please select billing organisation - Ng Teng Fong General Hospital.

By Post:

Please mail your cheque to:
Robinson Road Post Office
PO Box 2093
Singapore 904093

The cheque should be crossed and made payable to 'Ng Teng Fong General Hospital'. Please indicate the bill reference number and patient's name on the back of the cheque. Enclose your crossed cheque in the BRE envelope which you can download and print here (PDF, 66 KB).

Auto-Pay Payment Arrangement

Auto-Pay (formerly known as Express Pay) offers you the convenience of paying your bills without the hassle of waiting in queue after your visit at Ng Teng Fong General Hospital, Jurong Community Hospital or Jurong Medical Centre. With Auto-Pay, elderly patients in particular, you no longer need to queue at payment kiosks or initiate payments to us.

The charges are automatically credited to your pre-authorised credit card by the next working day. Your bills will be sent to your registered address and may also be viewed on HealthHub on the following working day after your visit. You may sign up for Auto-Pay through your HealthHub App, or at the HealthHub website.

For enquiries concerning Auto-Pay, please contact us via email ([email protected]).

Physical Bill Related Matters

As part of our commitment to sustainability, please note that NTFGH and JCH will no longer mail any hardcopy bills for our services (applies to Singaporeans and PRs). You may view, download, and/or pay your bill from the NUHS App at your convenience. However, if a paper bill is required, please approach our staff during your visit. Alternatively, you may submit your request via You will receive your bill via post within seven (7) working days.

For more information, please download the FAQ(s) sheet here (PDF, 251 KB).

Financial Information for Inpatients
Deposit Payment
  • A deposit is required for:
    • Admission to Ward Class A and B1
    • Certain procedures in Ward Class B2 or C (due to the Medisave withdrawal limit)
  • Deposit payments can be made in cash, by NETS, local cheque or credit card (Visa, MasterCard® or American Express).
  • Patients are required to provide a Letter of Guarantee from their employer or insurance company for partial or full waiver of the deposit payment.
  • Non-resident patients are required to provide:
    • Letter of Guarantee from a local firm, a Singaporean with earning income or insurance company OR
    • Banker's Guarantee
Change of Ward Accommodation
Upgrade of Ward Accommodation

Patients may request for an upgrade of the ward accommodation, subject to availability.

  • A deposit is required if the upgrade is from a subsidised ward to a private ward.
  • All charges, except for the standard daily ward charges, incurred from the time of admission at the lower ward class until the time of the upgrade will be re-computed and charged according to the higher ward class.
Downgrade of Ward Accommodation
  • Patients may request for a downgrade of ward accommodation, subject to availability.
  • If the patient is due for discharge within 24 hours, the request to downgrade will not be accepted.
  • A patient who requests for a downgrade from Class A or B1 ward accommodation to Class B2 or C will be required to undergo means testing, provided that the interim bill has not exceeded $15,000.
  • Downgrade of the standard daily ward charges and all service charges will only apply from the time that the patient is physically transferred to the downgraded ward.
Subsidies for Acute Inpatient Care at Public Healthcare Institutions
Changes to Acute Inpatient Subsidy Framework (with effect from 1 Nov 2022)

From 1 November 2022, subsidies for acute inpatient care will be means-tested based on a patient’s per capita household income (PCHI). A single common subsidy framework for C and B2 Wards will also be applied. For more information, please click here.

Financial Information for Outpatients

A patient's visit will be classified as a new consultation/visit if:

  • S/he has been discharged from the hospital without a follow-up outpatient appointment.
  • The last outpatient appointment/visit to the hospital was more than 12 months ago.
Patient Categories

Outpatients will be classified as private or subsidised patients according to the following terms.

Subsidised Patient

A subsidised patient refers to a Singapore Citizen or Singapore Permanent Resident who has been referred to a public restructured hospital without specifying a particular specialist. The hospital will assign a specialist according to its discretion.

The patient's first visit to the public restructured hospital is via:

  • Referral letter from:
    • A public restructured hospital under subsidised status;
    • A public restructured hospital's Accident & Emergency department;
    • A polyclinic;
    • The Singapore Armed Forces
  • Choice of subsidised SOC upon discharge from inpatient ward

Subsidy is only applicable for Singapore Citizens and Singapore Permanent Residents who are not existing private patients for the same medical condition.

Private Patient

A patient will be classified as a private patient if the visit is via/the result of:

  • Self-referral or walk-in
  • Referral letter from:
    • General Practitioner;
    • Private Hospital;
    • Public restructured hospital under private patient status and/or specifying a consultant by name;
    • Polyclinic and/or specifying a consultant by name
  • Industrial accident
Using Your Medisave to Pay the Hospital Bill for Yourself or Your Immediate Family Members

Immediate family members refer to:

  • Spouse
  • Child
  • Parent
  • Grandparent (Your grandparent must be a Singapore Citizen or Singapore Permanent Resident)
  • Sibling (Your sibling must be a Singapore Citizen or Singapore Permanent Resident)

Upon your/the patient's admission, you should inform the Admissions staff of your intent to use your Medisave to pay the hospital bill for yourself or your immediate family.

Please bring along your:

  • Passport OR
  • CPF membership card

You will also need to sign a Medical Claims Authorisation Form to authorise the Central Provident Fund (CPF) Board to make a deduction from your Medisave account to pay for the hospital bill.

Using Your Medisave to Pay the Hospital Bill for Non-immediate Family Members

Non-immediate family members refer to:

  • Uncle
  • Aunt
  • In-law
  • Niece
  • Nephew

You may use your Medisave to pay the hospital bill for non-immediate family members if the patient:

  • Is a Singapore Citizen or Singapore Permanent Resident
  • Is staying in a B2 or C-class ward
  • Does not have a Medisave account
  • Has immediate family members who do not have enough Medisave funds and cannot afford to pay the hospital bill
  • Is a dependent of the Medisave account holder

Please visit the Ministry of Health website for more information on Medisave withdrawal limits.

MediShield Life

MediShield Life replaced MediShield from 1 Nov 2015, and will offer:

  • Better protection and higher payouts, so that patients pay less Medisave/cash for large hospital bills
  • Protection for all Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents, including the very old and those who have pre-existing conditions

MediShield Life is a basic health insurance plan, administered by the Central Provident Fund (CPF) Board, which helps to pay for large hospital bills and selected costly outpatient treatments, such as dialysis and chemotherapy for cancer.

MediShield Life coverage is sized for subsidised treatment in public hospitals. Those who choose to stay in a Class A/B1 wards or in a private hospital are also covered by MediShield Life. However, as MediShield Life payouts are pegged at Class B2/C wards, the MediShield Life payout will make up a small proportion of the bill only. The patient may therefore need to pay more of their bill from Medisave and/or cash.

* Information taken from the Ministry of Health (MOH). For more information on MediShield Life benefits and how MediShield Life claims work, please visit the MOH Medishield Life website.

Integrated Shield Plans

Many Singaporeans have private insurance plans for hospitalisation in the form of Integrated Shield Plans (IPs).

If you are covered by one of the following plans, you have an IP.

Integrated Shield Plans

IPs comprises two components:

  • The first is a MediShield Life component run by the Central Provident Board (CPF) Board. From 1 Nov 2015, MediShield Life replaced the MediShield component of your policy, to give policyholders better coverage.
  • The second is an additional private insurance coverage component run by private insurers, typically to cover Class A/B1 wards in public hospitals or private hospitals.

If you have an IP, you are already covered by MediShield Life. MediShield Life is a component of your IP, there is no duplicate coverage.

The private IP insurers act as a single point of contact for IP policyholders, even though they work with CPF Board back-end on premium collection and claims disbursement for the MediShield Life component.

* taken from the Ministry of Health (MOH). For more information on integrated shield Plan and how integrated shield plan claims work, please visit the MOH Medishield Life website.

Useful Links
Medisave/Medishield Calculator

The Medisave/Medishield Calculator helps you to estimate how much you can claim from Medisave and/or Medishield.

» Medisave/Medishield Calculator

Estimate Your Hospital Bill

Estimate your hospital bill according to your condition, ward class, and procedures that you ill undergo.

» Estimate Your Bill

Schemes & Subsidies

Singapore offers a range of schemes and subsidies for its citizens, such as Medisave, Medishield, Medifund, etc. Find out what's available to you.

» Find Out More

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National University Health System
  • National University Hospital
  • Ng Teng Fong General Hospital
  • Alexandra Hospital
  • Jurong Community Hospital
  • National University Polyclinics
  • Jurong Medical Centre
  • National University Cancer Institute, Singapore
  • National University Heart Centre, Singapore
  • National University Centre for Oral Health, Singapore
  • NUHS Diagnostics
  • NUHS Pharmacy
  • Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine
  • Faculty of Dentistry
  • Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health
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