JHF supports research projects that aim to improve the medical practice and quality of care in Singapore.
The BREAst screening Tailored for HEr (BREATHE) is focused on developing a personalised breast screening programme for women and improving the current national screening programme.
The programme at General Surgery aims to build a clinical database, enabling surgeons to understand their clinical outcomes, promote continuous quality assessments, bring improvements in delivering higher quality care and cost-savings to patients and Singapore's healthcare system.
Implemented at Jurong Community Hospital's single and isolation rooms for patients with high fall risks, PreSAGE predicts bed exits and abnormalities, alerting nurses to respond promptly and check on patients
SPACE@JCH offers a more realistic setting for patients in rehabilitation. Offering a home-like environment within a ward, it facilitates patient and caregiver learning by giving them the opportunity to practice repetitively home-based functional skills in an authentic setting. SPACE@JCH also empowers caregiver with the knowledge and space to facilitate skill acquisition. This enables patients to receive a holistic rehabilitation while bolstering their confidence in their ability to transition smoothly from hospital to home.
The Initiatives and Innovation in Critical Care in JurongHealth Campus programme aims to introduce new approaches that improve care of Combined Intensive Care Unit (ICU) patients by leveraging technology and artificial intelligence. The goal of the programme is to improve the holistic care of ICU patients, to help them regain the level of health they had prior to hospitalisation and to offer terminally ill patients dignity in death.
The “IAmGoingHome” programme facilitates compassionate discharge for terminally ill ICU patients to spend their final moments at home according to their wish or that of their loved ones. Ng Teng Fong General Hospital is the first to offer this structured initiative for the terminally ill.